Terms and Conditions of Service
1 Our Responsibilities TriggerAppy Ltd will provide and maintain our standard booking, payment and other software. If you wish to have the software altered to your specific requirements this may be possible, but will likely incur a charge which we would agree with you in advance of any work commencing. We commit to use reasonable endeavours to support and maintain the software provided, however on occasion where we may be working with third parties (e.g. other software our service(s) is connecting to) their action(s)/inaction(s) may make delivery of our services more difficult or in rare circumstances impossible to complete to a satisfactory standard. We cannot guarantee our services in these instances. In rare instances, due to unforeseen issues, technical errors or other factors, we may be unable to offer any service at all, but again we will commit to use all reasonable endeavours to remedy this.
2 Your Responsibilities Where the assistance of your own personnel or resources may be required to enable the release of the software, or the integration of the software into your architecture, you commit to provide sufficient and timely support to facilitate this process. We accept no responsibility or liability for loss as a result of this not being adequately provided for. You also agree to use the software solely for the commercial reasons for which it was developed. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you fully understand the service(s) you are paying for as set out in your online account dashboard(s) and/or any other related correspondence. If you have misunderstood the service being offered, this will not be grounds to later request a refund.
3 Agreement By using the software either within your business or by allowing your agents (self-employed individuals/contractors)/employees) to use this software to allow end users to book, make payments, and/or undertake any other agreed use of our software both you and they are hereby agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you (or your agents/employees) do not wish to be bound by this agreement then you and/or they should not use this software, advertise it for use within your business, or allow any end users to use this software to access your business services/products.
4 Advertising/Marketing You agree to advertise the software to the end user where applicable. We may help with this effort by way of the supply of materials but it is your responsibility to effectively market the service.
5 Fee(s) Receivable/Payable All software related fee(s) receivable/payable will be clearly stated on your online account dashboard(s) and/or through other communications such as via email. There will also be a clear description explaining the nature of the fee(s). We will not invoice or self-bill you outside of this as any fees due from you will be clear online and/or sent by email, including any relevant tax(es) that maybe due, and you will be able to view and download the same. Where you are a user that is both a payer of, and a receiver of, fees to/from us we will process payments on a net basis to minimise transaction costs.
6 Work In Progress (WIP) In the case of any additional paid work you may request, once we have received payment for that agreed work on your behalf, you may not apply for, nor request a refund, financial or otherwise, for whatever conceivable reason you may provide. Where your requirements change whilst a project is still WIP, or due to the action(s)/inaction(s) or third parties, this may require additional payments from you to complete the project, and you accept this risk. We commit to keeping any additional payments required in these circumstances reasonable, but these payments are not open to debate. Failure to pay any required additional payments will not be acceptable grounds for requesting any refund of the original amount(s) paid or payable.
7 Ownership TriggerAppy Ltd shall retain the ownership and rights to all of the code and Intellectual Property (IP) within all versions of the software which is provided on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis.
8 Confidentiality & Conflicts We agree never to share information relating to your business with any third party without your prior consent, unless required to do so by law or to comply with regulations or quality control reviews. Likewise, you agree not to use or copy or allow the use of the output of the services we provide to any third party without our prior permission. You recognise that we may have to stop providing services to you in the event that a conflict arises between our duties to you and to another client. You will notify us if you have any reason to believe that such a conflict has arisen or may arise. We may communicate with you electronically and you accept the risks associated with such communications, except anything arising through our negligence or wilful default.
Our full Privacy Policy can be found here link.
9 Fees/Charges We reserve the right to vary any or all of our fees/charges. Any change will be communicated to you via your online account and/or via email as standard practice, however other communication channel(s) may also be used. Any changes will have immediate effect unless otherwise stated.
10 Late Payment & Expenses Statutory Interest (@ Bank of England rate plus 8%, of the outstanding amount), Debt Recovery (both as set by late payment legislation) and Administration (@ 10% of the outstanding amount) charges will be applied to any amounts which remain unpaid 30 calendar days after the due date. Where payment has not been received we reserve the right to withhold services, and have the right to cease any new work, and to terminate our service(s) permanently if payments are unduly delayed. Any additional expenses incurred whilst working on your behalf will be agreed with you in advance, and will be charged to you as a one off invoice in each instance.
11 Debt Recovery Where an employee/contactor/or other agent to your business is overdue on their account, if you continue to allow business activity to be passed to or processed by them, we will hold you liable for any amounts due on their account. We reserve the right to recover these amounts directly from your account with us. If you are an agent user and are in arrears on your account with us, we will deduct any amounts you owe us from any end user payments we are authorised to temporarily hold on your behalf on your account.
12 Liability & Rights We accept no liability for loss or damage as a result of any acts or omissions that you may suffer as a result of your use or misuse of the software provided to you. No rights or obligations exist or are extended to any third parties as part of this agreement.
13 Termination There is no specified minimum length of contract for our software usage. TriggerAppy Ltd may terminate this agreement, and therefore permanently remove your access to the software, with immediate effect if any of the terms of this agreement are broken. Either party may end the agreement by issuing 30 calendar days’ notice to the other.
14 Assignment This Agreement is personal to you and may not be assigned to anyone else. TriggerAppy Ltd may at any time assign or novate this agreement to any third party.
15 Notices You may email us at info@triggerappy.co.uk. You accept the risks associated with such communications, except anything arising through our negligence or wilful default.
16 Variation We reserve the right to make reasonable changes to these Terms & Conditions from time to time. Changes may also be required due to changes in Law.
This current version is valid from 1st March 2023.